Product number10080009
Product name FURTIF EVERCUT Paring knife

Evercut Furtif Pairing Knife 9cm
Evercut is a French company that has created world records for retention and longetivity of a knife's sharp cutting edge. Creating a revolution in the knife industry, Evercut has designed the Furtif Knife range including, a chef, santoku, kitchen, utility and a pairing knife that never need to be sharpened, EVER.

The Pairing Knife 9cm is constructed with a high-quality short stainless steel blade and an ergonomic handle for comfort ensuring a precise cut every time. Featuring a non-adhesive coating and cutting performance 300 times superior to that of current brands on the market, this knife set will be your go to kitchen knife for every job.


9cm length
Designed and Crafted in France
Stainless Steel blade
Revolutionary technology: Laser fusion of Titanium carbide onto a temperature-hardened, high-quality Stainless steel Blade
Non-adhesive coating
300 times superior to steel knives currently available
NEVER have to be sharpened
Evercut has set world records in retention and longetivity of a sharp cutting edge

Made In France
Min. Quantity
Price Per Unit
$107.90 > $81.00(GST Excluded)