GI Metal Heavy Duty Non-Scratching Scraper is famous all over the world for invented, patented and manufactured pizza accessories
The GI Metal Heavy Duty Non-Scratching Scraper is a product stem from over 30 years of expertise in the field of pizza accessories; always experimenting and exploring possible new solutions to better cooking. It is made from a thorough and consistent research into cutting-edge, last generation, new materials and relevant investments in the optimization of production processes, to continuously enhance the quality of products, and to reach the level of excellence Gi.Metal is so proud of. Gi.Metal has developed nine different products ranges, each with specific features.
Triangular rigid scraper, in polymer highly-resistant to heat, impact, and scratch resistant. It doesn’t cut plastic pizza dough boxes. Certified for food use. Usable blade dimension: 12.7x9.4cm.